Published on November 15, 2003 By Luvscure1 In Current Events

According to the dictionary a Bush is a low shrub with many branches, hence that description also fits the description of the Thief-in-Charge, or Resident Bush. Dubya, who acts as if he has a IQ of 40, is the current wrecking ball in the white house. He and his gang of merry men, have caused astonishing amounts of destruction throughout the world. As I sit and watch the Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election, I have to wonder, WHY IN THE FUCK DID AL GORE LET BUSH STEAL THE ELECTION?? It doesn't take a genius to see that Bush clearly lost, and his supposed win is only by theft. If my Brother was in charge of voting and I was running for office, I'm sure he would do the same for me. Just as Jeb did for ole George. How could the Demi's, the coward ass Democrats let this happen? How? How? How? What would've happened if Gore was President? I really wonder, but I really wonder what would've happened if my guy Nadar was in office. The thousands of Black people who were knocked illegally off the voter roster is a crime in itself. I know this is a old subject, but watching this recap has brought this back in to the fore-front of my mind. Especially with the 2004 presidential election coming up. But, there's a difference, and the difference is, the Repub's used the same strategy that they dogged poor Al Gore for, in the state of California. So, now not only will Bush steal Florida, he'll steal California, and Terminator will help him. I'm so glad that I don't live in California, and Florida, and Texas for that matter. To borrow a term from Molly Ivins et al, those states are Bushwacked, they've been tainted by the Bush's, Jeb, George, The Terminator, and Father George. Although, I'm Demi, I tend to vote independently, only because I hate for someone to tell me what I can't do, all because they deem it morally wrong, i.e. Repub's. That's not to say that the past 10 years, (all of my voting years) I've voted Demi, because I haven't. In fact, my favorite governor of this great state (ha ha ha, another day) I live in, was a Repub. I did try to give old George a chance, but day by day, month by month, year by year, I've grown to dislike him, intensely. I also don't like some of the things that's been going on in this country, starting with the way that they (American People) treated the Dixie Chicks. Now, I'm not in any way, form, or fashion, a country music fan, but, everyone has a right to their opinion, and if they feel ashamed that their from the same state as the Thief-in-Charge, they have that right. No one should flame them, or hate them because of it. I think we should think of the year 2004 as a boot, and we should take that boot and kick George Bush in the ass. We can also boot that ass back to Texas, but I'm sure by now, even Texas doesn't want him.

on Nov 15, 2003
This is why Bush keeps winning. People who are left of center despise him so much that they believe everyone must think like they do.

Dixie Chicks got what they deserve.They're entertainers, not political commentators. Abusing their fame to send out a stupid political message, overseas at that, was very tacky.
on Nov 15, 2003
People really need to get over the election thing and start doing what they can to get him out of office. Talk about how he is cutting veteran benefits and combat pay in a time of war. Talk about how our tax dollars are being mismanaged in the rebuilding of Iraq. Or hell, just make fun of him, he is an easy target for that.
on Nov 16, 2003
Its simply amazing what he is doing to the country, the 87 billion we are sending to Iraq, would erase the debts of every single state in the Union. Or provide roughly $12,000 to every child in this country for education.

I would also suggest a site called the, for more.
on Nov 16, 2003
Very good point, they are entertainers, and not political commentators. Bush, was a alcoholic, a cocaine user, a rapist by some accounts, and a failure as a business man. Does that make him president material? Please, don't bring up Clinton, because I'm not a big fan of his, but I'll take him any day over Bush. I will give Bush credit for one thing, and that's acting as if he's retarded, I think he's a cunning mad man who disarms his foe's by acting dumb.
on Nov 25, 2003
Saying that Bush is a retard is a little bit easy. The man succeed becoming president. Saying that he is spoiled children with limited comprehension over most of everyday problems would be more fair. You also have to reckon his sense of friendship, he never forget to be generous with a generous friend. Even if it means not following basic rules of policy making.

The main problem with Bush is that he is the best man to use one of the main right wing strategy: scared people to stupidity. Unfortunatly he is succeeding in that purpose by scaring half of the world.